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Welcome to our Art gallery. We get you an online platform where you can sell and collect amazing arts from all around the world.

Art Festival Art Gallery

Who we are

artomc.com a world of Art that excites you from OMC Entertainments. We conduct Art Exhibitions and events in all around the world. artomc.com provides an online platform to the art lovers and enthusiasts to buy and sell their works from any part of the world with ease. artomc.com caters to original art, Sculpture, digital prints, craft, home decor and many more. Explore our online art gallery and grab your choice of Painting, Portraits or craft.

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Meet the Artists

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Film Maker & Artist

Maysa Mohamad

Artist, Syria

Hassan Edelbi

Artist, Syria

Shinsiya PB

Artist, India

Mostafa Hosny

Artist, Egypt